Potential 10-year contract for beneficial reuse of 100,000+ cubic yards of biosolids produced at the Hornsby Bend Biosolids Management Plant. RFP CDL2003, RFP CDL2003REBID and IFB CDL2003REBID2.
- 11-1-18 Email to Mayor and Council regarding Item #20: Beneficial Reuse of Biosolids
- 11-1-18: Comparison of current Synagro pricing to bid on CDL2003REBID2
- 10-31-18: Austin Monitor – Council seems ready to OK biosolids contract
- 10-29-18: Memorandum to City Council from Greg Meszaros and James Scarboro regarding Item #20, beneficial reuse of biosolids
- 10-10-18: ZWAC discussion on staff recommendation of Synagro for CDL2003REBID2
- 10-4-18: Purchasing Officer James Scarboro rejection of TLM protest of IFB CDL2003REBID2
- 9-26-18: TLM protest of Staff’s recommendation for award of IFB CDL2003REBID2 to Synagro
- 9-12-18: Staff recommendation of award of IFB CDL2003REBID2 to Synagro; attached bids reveal that Synagro lowered pricing to beat TLM’s RFPCDL2003REBID price by 4%
- 8-31-18: Purchasing Officer James Scarboro rejection of TLM protest of IFB CDL2003REBID2
- 8-30-18: IFB CDL2003REBID2 addendum removing “local business presence” identification forms from the solicitation package
- 8-24-18: IFB CDL2003REBID2 addendum indicating that “local business presence” status of respondents would be validated by staff and provided to the City Council and ZWAC
- 8-22-18: TLM protest of IFB CDL2003REBID2
- 8-14-18: Synagro lobbyist letter to Attorney General protesting release of Synagro’s response to RFP CDL2003REBID
- 8-13-18: IFB CDL2003REBID2 – third iteration of twice-cancelled biosolids solicitation
- 6-20-18: Purchasing Officer James Scarboro email indicating that TLM’s confidential response to RFP CDL2003REBID was released to Synagro
- 6-12-18: City staff memo revealing RFP CDL2003REBID had been cancelled due to “unintentional records release”
- 6-8-18: Purchasing Officer James Scarboro memo rejecting TLM protest of “Best and Final Offer” solicitation
- 6-8-18: City Purchasing Office cancellation of “Best and Final Offer” solicitation
- 6-7-18: Emails from City Purchasing Office extending deadlines to respond to “Best and Final Offer” solicitation
- 5-24-18: TLM protest of “Best and Final Offer” solicitation terms
- 5-17-18: City of Austin request to participate in “Best and Final Offer” solicitation
- 5-14-18: Purchasing Officer James Scarboro memo rejecting recommendation of protest hearing officer and initiating “Best and Final Offer” solicitation process
- 2-23-18: Report and recommendation of protest hearing officer Pamela Lancaster, finding that TLM’s proposal was reviewed in “piecemeal fashion”
- 2-9-18: TLM presentation to protest hearing officer Pamela Lancaster
- 1-23-18: Purchasing Officer James Scarboro memo granting change in protest hearing officer
- 12-15-16: City Council Meeting Items 46, 52 & 53 transcript
- 12-14-2016: Bob Gregory Email to City Council
- 11-09-2016: Bob Gregory Email to City Council re: ALO Violations, Synagro-Click Contracts
- 10-3-2016: Gary Newton Email – Notice of Prohibited Representation
- 8-9-2016: Bob Gregory Email to the Mayor, City Council, ZWAC, and Water & Wastewater Commission
Attachments to Email:
- 8-11-2016 Austin City Council Mtg Agenda RCA for Item 25
- 8-11-2016 Austin City Council Mtg Agenda RCA for Item 26
- Dillo Dirt Program
- 7-13-2016 Water & Wastewater Commission Meeting Transcript
- USCC Factsheet- Compost
- Aerial Photo Of Airport Distance to Hornsby Bend
- Synagro’s Reported Mixing Ratio
- Travis County Ordinance for Siting of Solid Waste Facilities
- Synagro Current Pricing for Direct Land Application, Composting
- 2009 Loan For New $7M Composting Pad at Hornsby Bend
- TDS Purchase Price for HB Curing Piles
- Communications with COA Purchasing re Application of Anti-Lobbying on Solicitation for Sale/Removal of Unscreened Dillo Dirt
- COA RFP for Citywide Dumpster Collection
- Summary Judgment TDS v COA Anti-Lobbying Disqualification
- TDS Contract for Waste & Yard Trimmings
- Current Contract with Synagro (including 120-day Holdover Option)
Further Information:
- RFP CDL2003 – Beneficial Reuse of Biosolids
- 8-8-2016: Questions to Pose to City Staff
- 9-13-2016: ARR Director’s Review of Organics Contracts
- 9-14-2016: Policy Questions That Should Be Addressed / Answered Prior To Contract Approval
- 9-14-2016: Questions To Pose To City Staff
- 10-03-2016: Notice of Prohibited Representation
- 10-12-2016: ZWAC Agenda
- 10-12-2016: W&WC Agenda
- 10-12-16: Bob Gregory email to ZWAC
- 10-12-16: Bob Gregory email to W&WC
- 10-20-16: Austin City Council Meeting Agenda Item 22 RCA
- 10-20-16: Austin City Council Meeting Agenda Item 23 RCA
- Synagro Draft Contract as COA Agenda Backup
- Allen Click Draft Contract as COA Agenda Backup
- Synagro Central Valley Compost Facility
- Upper Mount Bethel Residents Sue Sludge Provider, Farmers
Transcripts and Meeting Agendas:
- 11-1-18: City Council Meeting Transcript, Item 20
- 10-30-18: City Council Work Session Transcript, Item 20
- 10-10-18: ZWAC Meeting Transcript, Item 4C
- 6-14-17: Water and Wastewater Commission, Items E1 and F1
- 12-15-16: Austin City Council Meeting, Items 46, 52 and 53
- 10-12-2016: ZWAC Meeting Transcript, Item 3a, Biosolids Working Group Update
- 9-27-2016: Joint Commissions Working Group Re: Hornsby Bend Biosolids Management
- 9-14-2016: Joint Meeting of ZWAC and W&WW Commissions
- 9-08-2016: ZWAC Organics Management Committee Mtg at Hornsby Bend Transcript
- 8-11-2016: City Council Meeting Transcript, Items 25 & 26
- 8-10-2016: ZWAC Meeting Agenda
- 8-10-2016: ZWAC Meeting Transcript, Item 3D
- 8-10-2016: ZWAC Resolution
Other Information:
- Photos of Synagro Central Valley Composting Facility
- 4-05-2016: Photos of Unscreened Dillo Dirt at Hornsby Bend
- Synagro Complete Compost Process in Approx 3-4 Weeks
- 7-13-2016: Andrew Dobbs (TCE) Email to Mayor, City Council & W&WW Commission
- 8-10-2016: Andrew Dobbs (TCE) Email to Mayor and City Council
- 9-26-2016: TCE Message to Joint Working Group
- 5-04-2012: Jon White, Travis Co. Envir. Quality Division Dir. Email to Commissioner Margaret Gomez
Synagro – National News Articles:
- 1-18-2013: Feds unveil new recordings, defense fires back painting key witness as liar
- 2-09-2011: John Clark indicted for bribery in connection with the Synagro contract
- 7-11-2010: Synagro execs knew of payments, records show
- 4-06-2010: From the editor – The odor from Oak Point Avenue
- 3-02-2010: Former Synagro consultant Rayford Jackson set to start five-year prison stint for bribery
- 12-03-2009: Bankole Thompson Exclusive – Rayford Jackson Interview
- 12-01-2009: Good Morning America sob story on fired FOX News anchor who shilled for Farrakhan, hid cars
- 11-30-2009: Former Synagro Executive Sentenced in Bribery Scheme Related to Detroit Sludge Contract
- 11-22-2009: Synagro is Back
- 11-14-2009: Rayford Jackson gets max sentence in bribery scandal
- 4-20-2009: Largest sewage recycler Synagro Technologies scrutinized in some states
- 1-25-2009: Executive’s car bugged in corruption probe
- 7-10-2008: More “Exposure” of Unethical Muslim FOX Anchor Fanchon Stinger, Nothing New to Schlussel Readers
- 7-01-2008: Alpine Township man involved in Detroit corruption investigation
- 10-06-16: 100 Upper Mount Bethel residents sue sludge provider, farmers
- 10-03-16: Upper Mount Bethel residents file massive sewage sludge lawsuit
- 1-28-16: DEP refutes sludge opponents’ victory claim in Slate Belt farming case
- 1-25-16: PA Supreme Court finds biosolids recycling normal agricultural operation
- 1-05-16: State Supreme Court’s ruling on biosolids could set example for other states
- 6-08-12: Sweet deal smelled awful
Synagro – Travis County News Articles:
- 8-02-16: Will $20M plan turn more Austin sludge into compost?
- 7-29-16: Comments – Will $20 million plan turn more Austin sludge into compost
- 5-22-16: Compost collection debated
- 5-13-16: Composting posting
- 1-01-14: Hornsby Bend Biosolids Management Plant and Bird Observatory
- 10-15-13: Questions over Hornsby Bend deal
- 6-14-13: Compost fire at Hornsby Bend plant to cost city some $9 million
- 6-14-13: Cleaning up Dillo Dirt fire could cost $9M
- 3-20-13: City projects compost fire to cost millions
- 3-20-13: After smoldering 3 weeks, Hornsby Bend fire almost out
- 3-18-13: Compost fire to cost Austin at least $2 million
- 3-05-13: Smoldering compost fires continue to concern neighbors
- 3-05-13: Persistent compost fire at Hornsby Bend could last a few more weeks
- 3-04-13: Crews working to extinguish compost fire
- 2-27-13: Smoke from compost fire to continue for days
- 2-26-13: Compost piles continue to burn, thanks to high winds
- 2-26-13: AFD continues to monitor compost fires
- 2-25-13: Compost fire near airport to burn into the night
- 2-01-12: Composting Roundup
- 1-16-12: Austin’s Hornsby Bend Compost Pavement Garners ACPA Award
- 7-06-11: Urban Affairs – Dillo Dirt production to rise
- 6-24-11: Dillo Dirt expands its pad
- 6-23-11: City of Austin’s dillo dirt program to expand
- 5-18-11: City concerned about elevated ammonia levels at sewage site
- 1-31-11: Sustainable biosolids plant moonlights as bird observatory
- 12-31-10: Ronald B. Sieger Biosolids Management Award
- 10-27-10: Article: Commissioners Reject Variances for Firm Seeking to Recycle Wastewater
- 10-26-10: Article: Sludge Coming to Southeastern Travis County?
- 4-19-10: Austin Water receives statewide environmental awards
- 2-26-10: Naked City – Hornsby Bend gets greener
- 2-17-10: Austin capitalizes on $31.8 million in Recovery Act Funds
- 6-19-09: Austin Water Utility wins stimulus dollars to upgrade Hornsby Bend
- 1-12-09: More testing on Dillo Dirt in the future
- 8-29-08: US $2.3B biomass energy contract approved for Austin Energy
- 5-19-00: Naked City – Waste not, want not
- 10-31-99: News from the Hornsby Bend Partnership – Sept.-Oct. 1999
- 7-26-96: The Mayor’s Waterloo – Stopped in his tracks
Synagro – Bastrop County News Articles:
- 7-14-16: Firm won’t haul sludge to Bastrop
- 7-13-16: Officials vote no on moving Austin sludge to Bastrop County
- 6-27-16: Sludge Fight Shifts To Bastrop Count
Synagro – Pam Racey News Articles:
- 1-18-13: Inside court – Kilpatrick trial day 57
- 1-17-13: Witness says he heaped Kilpatrick with cash, champagne
- 6-07-12: How Philadelphia reached a deal on sludge
- 7-12-10: SludgeSCAM
- 2-09-10: The Bush Family, A Crooked Federal Judge and John Conyer’s Wife
- 2-07-10: Carlyle Group subsidiary in Michigan bribery trial
- 2-06-10: White Trash Networks – Crooks Testify
- 2008 Evidence – Synagro pay-off