In response to a recommendation from the City Council Waste Management Policy Working Group, City Staff developed a new Landfill Criteria Matrix to evaluate area landfills which receive City-controlled waste. Staff’s Landfill Criteria Matrix Proposals were rejected by the Zero Waste Advisory Commission on October 10, 2018.
COA Solicitation No: RFI 1500 SLW6002 – Landfill Criteria Matrix for Landfill Eligibility
5-1-19: COA Landfill Matrix Scoring
2-12-19: Response Submittals – COA Landfill Criteria Matrix for Landfill Eligibility
- 1-29-19: Addendum No. 2 changing submittal deadline from 1-29-19 to 2-12-19
- 1-7-19: Addendum No. 1 Landfill Criteria Matrix for Landfill Eligibility
- 12-28-18: Implementation and publication of Solicitation No. RFI 1500 SLW6002 – Landfill Criteria Matrix for Landfill Eligibility
- 8-9-19: TDS Response to Solicitation No. RFI 1500 SLW6005 Collection, Hauling, Processing, and Disposal of Refuse, Recycling and Compostable Materials at City Facilities
- 6-21-19: COA Response to TDSL Protest
- 5-14-19: TDSL Protest – COA Landfill Criteria Matrix Scoring
- 5-8-19: Adam Gregory email to ZWAC – Landfill Criteria Matrix & Future Solicitations
- 11-9-18: Sam Angoori Memo to Mayor and City Council – Landfill Criteria Matrix
- 10-8-18: Adam Gregory email to ZWAC – Please vote to REJECT Item #4d / Landfill Criteria Matrix
- 9-6-18: Adam Gregory email to ZWAC – Reject staff’s Landfill Criteria Matrix
Resolutions / Council Meeting Documents
- 7-10-19: ZWAC Meeting Transcript, Item 3C – Discussion & Action – Landfill Criteria Matrix
- 2-13-19: ZWAC Meeting Transcript, Item 3A – Approval of 10-10-18 Meeting Minutes
- 11-14-18: ZWAC Meeting Transcript, Item 2 – Approval of 10-10-18 Meeting Minutes
- 10-10-18: ZWAC Meeting Transcript, Item 4D
- Zero Waste Advisory Commission resolution recommending Landfill Criteria Matrix stakeholder group (February 2018)
- Solid Waste Advisory Commission resolution opposing contracts with Waste Management (January 2010)
- Austin City Council resolution opposing expansion and seeking permanent closure of the Waste Management Austin Community Landfill (May 2007)
- Request for Council Action – Landfill Criteria Matrix (October 2018)
Central Texas Landfills
- 5-14-18: Solid Waste Landfills Located Within the Central Texas I-35 Corridor
- Waste Management Lacy Lakeview Landfill
- Waste Management Williamson County Landfill
- 290 Landfills – Austin Community Landfill, Sunset Farms Landfill, Travis County Landfill
- Waste Management Mesquite Creek Landfill
- Waste Management Covel Gardens Landfill
- IESI (Waste Connections)Travis County Landfill
- 2-14-18: Letter to ZWAC from Area Haulers Distributed by Republic Lobbyists
- 2-14-18: ZWAC Agenda Backup, Item 4a – Landfill Criteria Draft
- 2-14-18: ZWAC Item 4a Landfill Criteria Matrix Draft
- 2-14-18: ZWAC Resolution No. 20180214-4A – Landfill Criteria
- 2-14-18: ZWAC Transcript, Item 4 – Landfill Criteria Update and Resolution
- 2-15-17: TDS Landfill Gas Memo – Providence Engineering
TDS Documents
- Gary Newton memorandum to ZWAC re: Carter & Burgess Report and City opposition to WM-ACL expansion (November 2017)
- Gary Newton memorandum regarding City of Austin 2008 Rule 11 agreement and flawed restrictive covenants for Republic-Sunset Farms landfill
Landfill Criteria Matrix Drafts
- 9-27-18: Landfill Criteria Matrix (Staff draft)
- 8-29-18: Landfill Criteria Matrix (Staff draft)
- 8-13-18: Landfill Criteria Matrix (Staff draft)
- 5-23-18: Landfill Criteria Matrix (Stakeholder draft)
- 3-7-18: Landfill Criteria Matrix (Staff draft)
Stakeholder Meeting Transcripts
- 5-14-18: Landfill Criteria Stakeholder Meeting #6 Transcript, Operational Safety, Community Impact, and Social Equity
- 5-7-18: Landfill Criteria Stakeholder Meeting #5 Transcript, Review of Carbon Footprint Calculations
- 5-2-18: Landfill Criteria Stakeholder Meeting #4 Transcript, Review Revised Draft of Landfill Criteria Matrix and Scoring
- 4-5-18: Landfill Criteria Stakeholder Meeting #3 Transcript, Scoring Methodology
- 3-29-18: Landfill Criteria Stakeholder Meeting #2 Transcript, Operational Considerations, Community Impact, and Social Equity
- 3-21-18: Landfill Criteria Stakeholder Meeting #1 Transcript, Carbon Footprint, Zero Waste, and Sustainability
- 1-23-19: Neighbors gear up to oppose Austin Community Landfill expansion
- 1-18-19: The Austin Chronicle – Austin’s Least-Loved Landfill May Be Poised to Grow Again The Other ACL: The Austin Community Landfill
- 11-12-18: Activists Concerned Over Possible Landfill Expansion
- 10-12-18: Austin Monitor – Zero Waste Advisory Commission buries landfill criteria matrix
- 5-7-18: Austin Monitor – Garbage companies fight over landfill standards
- 2-23-18: Austin Monitor – Once again, Austin’s landfill criteria is back in discussion
- 5-20-05: Council rejects landfill deal
- 5-20-05: City dumps proposal to privatize its landfill
- 7-29-03: Waste Management slapped with nearly $240,000 landfill fine
- 4-6-98: Company Cleaning Up Its Toxic Waste Legacy
- 3-13-98: Do The Right Thing Article and Letters