Reforming Austin’s Landfill Criteria Matrix

In response to a recommendation from the City Council Waste Management Policy Working Group, City Staff developed a new Landfill Criteria Matrix to evaluate area landfills which receive City-controlled waste. Staff’s Landfill Criteria Matrix Proposals were rejected by the Zero Waste Advisory Commission on October 10, 2018.

COA Solicitation No: RFI 1500 SLW6002 – Landfill Criteria Matrix for Landfill Eligibility

5-1-19: COA Landfill Matrix Scoring

2-12-19: Response Submittals – COA Landfill Criteria Matrix for Landfill Eligibility


Resolutions / Council Meeting Documents

Central Texas Landfills

TDS Documents

Landfill Criteria Matrix Drafts

Stakeholder Meeting Transcripts


Waste Management – Austin Community Landfill